18 november 2007

Coco the Clown for President?

What with the number 18 anyhow? What makes me a better drinker? What makes a better driver? Am I not reasonable now?

I am highly skeptical whether at the instant I turn eighteen, some previously wall crumbles and I can see a thoroughly different world out there. By all expectations, I'll just as dumb or smart as I was before. Well, my reasoning might be rather different from someone aged 70 but since when is being young and idealistic a crime? I support lowering all those ages to 16. If you aren't responsible for your actions by that time, then when will you ever be? And as a special offer to all our conservative friends out there, you can relax, the number of these newly franchised youth will be to small to upset the current balance too much. However, it will be just enough for a nice gesture to invite the youth to the daily business of running the state.

3 kommentaari:

Evelin ütles ...


Anonüümne ütles ...

from the moment you turn 18 the question "does kari become slaava?" changes to "how slaava does he get?"

Riina ütles ...

mõte on ilus, aga paraku teostamatu, grammatika on suht kehv btw...