07 oktoober 2007

Leave me alone, please do

The lovely film by Man Ray, filmed in 1926, France.

I have always wanted to be sophisticated and cultured. Enjoying art at it's finest is an integral part of it. But here's the catch, something are NOT art. Getting high and covering the canvas with one's excrement is not art. Dumping molten glass into cold water is not art. Combining random images and effects is not art. But if put next to a sign which says art, people will be more than eager to dish out ridiculous sums of money to see it. Then they will claim to have seen the meaning or experienced enlightenment. Sorry, just because you saw something you didn't understand anything doesn't make you neither sophisticated nor smart. Just because it does not make sense and has not been done before, does not mean it's art.

I am not sure about the rating but unfortunately this piece cannot be graded. It is not a film, it's a cinepoeme. I am not sure what should you watch next in case you liked this film. I am sure however if it looked familiar to real life, you really need to go to rehab.

1 kommentaar:

Anonüümne ütles ...

If I had never seen this movie before then this film review would leave me a bit curious about what exactly was in that movie. He said that it was not art but what was happening there and what was the main theme? There are some typing mistakes and some words left out by accident (I believe) but nothing utterly bad.
So all in all I would give it a 4.