23 november 2007


This is already ridiculous. This however is outrageous.

Rahvarinne as in Popular Front is a general term, which cannot be owned by anyone. Just like one can't reserve the right to words such as milk, cow and meadow.

The other even more important point is the lack of moral decency. There are somethings, which should not be toyed around with. Like it would not be enough to shit all over the existing order but to also relieve themselves all over our history is just something I cannot tolerate. Though poor JüriVilms was a socialist, there is no reason to use his name to enhance the credibility of their propaganda. One should build up a reputation of their own instead of trying to achieve popularity by using other people as a cover. The idea of switching them frequently as they get soiled is too despicable.

Maybe it's the idea that if I made something, then I can destroy too? Taking into account the major contributions towards our independence, maybe we should be looking forward to Mr Savisaar having the sole right to use phrases such as Estonia, Eesti, Eesti Vabariik etc. Oh wait, he can't do that. He doesn't own Estonia. But then why Rahvarinne? It's not like it had only consisted of himself.

18 november 2007

Coco the Clown for President?

What with the number 18 anyhow? What makes me a better drinker? What makes a better driver? Am I not reasonable now?

I am highly skeptical whether at the instant I turn eighteen, some previously wall crumbles and I can see a thoroughly different world out there. By all expectations, I'll just as dumb or smart as I was before. Well, my reasoning might be rather different from someone aged 70 but since when is being young and idealistic a crime? I support lowering all those ages to 16. If you aren't responsible for your actions by that time, then when will you ever be? And as a special offer to all our conservative friends out there, you can relax, the number of these newly franchised youth will be to small to upset the current balance too much. However, it will be just enough for a nice gesture to invite the youth to the daily business of running the state.

16 november 2007

The Tinfoil Hour

Conspiracy theories are for some fat ugly men who don't know how to bathe? I haven't done anything bad so I've got nothing to worry about. The police and the secret services are all about catching bad guys. If all those apply to you, here's something. Though I wouldn't consider myself libertarian, there still are somethings, which worry me. So like an ugly fatso I am, I'll just try to convert you. If some guys wearing gray coats and shades take me along for a chat, you might consider this my will.

Oh, feel free to pay no attention to the commercial announcement in the beginning. Apparently, this is just necessary evil.

12 november 2007

and my vote goes to...

Guess what happened.

Though I may agree on that notion, I am quite sure that the result holds practically no value. Mr Savisaar would probably have been chosen even if the press enemy would be substituted for public enemy or any other title with a negative connotation. If you manage to amass 100 000 signatures on some petition to recall you, it is beyond doubt that you are toast. If one compares the e-votes, e-polls, orkut communities and naturally delfi kommentaarid, one might be able to spot a pattern there. So the competition has to put in shedloads of extra hours to catch up.

Though the method is unreliable, the result is beyond doubt. How many others do you know who make a living by claiming that the press is partisan and hates him? The only exception is his own oh-so-very-independent party paper, which is known for being the shiniest example of good journalism in this god-forsaken country. Oh yeah, using municipal papers, that is our own tax money, to spam us is also notable.

This did just not happen right now

I was like wow. She just had me speechless. Twice. Like what the fork was that? I could greet her without getting yelled at. Like that would not be amazing enough, she even was a little nice towards me later on. I wonder whether this continues, that sure would be nice. Though makes me wonder about the cause. Did she, too, get a new play-thingy in the weekend? Something better? If not then this could as well as be the sart of a new epoch, the one without the plõksomeeter. I’d be more than happy to see that, though it would take time to get used to.

07 november 2007

Hmm... I got kind of used to him, let's keep him.

Does Mr. Lang really have nothing better to do?

What is the purpose of jailing anyone? Besides the utterly theoretical option of re-education it is detention. " Because you have been such a bad boy, you are not allowed to go out and play." A completely normal approach, though the actions might have been prevented that is a another story entirely. For someone has committed something they should not have and will be removed from the society for some time. That IS the punishment. After one has endured the full length of the punishment, one is released. Keeping someone in a cell beyond that point is punishing one once more. That by the way, is unlawful. One can only be punished once for one's crimes.

The idea of keeping us safe is undoubtedly a good one, no question about it. However if the problems are caused by criminals released early, that should be addressed. The number of suspended sentences should be cut considerably, if that seems to be the key. Might be that the number of people paroled needs to be minimized. In case of the mostly likely cause, the lack of support or supervision and almost non-existent rehabilitation program, those issues should be dealt with instead of keeping people jailed indefinitely just because some official want to.

Besides the fact that it's a non-issue as well as the unlawfulness, it also creates a dangerous precedent. If the concept of jailing some people indefinitely despite the verdict becomes acceptable, it would be just too easy to add dissidents and political rivals to the list of people punished by these measures. One has to constantly keep guard to remain free. Every step, which could potentially limit one's freedom should be opposed by all means as the creeping beasts of tyranny are ever so vigilant.

04 november 2007

Urgent attention required! By the order of...

The newest and biggest issue facing our people at this time. Unless solutions are found soon, the outlook is grimmer than ever. The lack of attention to this grave issue is unprecedented. The ones responsible ahju. Fortunately for us someone has finally got a hold of the situation and urgent improvements are a matter of time. Unless those imperialistic fascist snakes try to get in the way of the will of the working people of this poor country. We should all stand united against this common threat and try to fight for the benefit of the glorious cause of the workers all over the world. Death to the agressive capitalist pigs and their imperialistic fascist minions! Workers of the world, unite!